Archive for September, 2017

SERVANTS NOT STARS (from the pastor’s study)

SERVANTS NOT STARS (from the pastor’s study)

Too many pastors today are tempted by the allurements and awards of fame and worldly success in making a name for themselves rather than just faithfully preach God’s Word and shepherd His people. Consider 1 Corinthians 4:1-2.

A Biblical Conversation Concerning Charismatic Gifts – NT Prophecy

A Biblical Conversation Concerning Charismatic Gifts – NT Prophecy

In the wake of Dr. MacArthur’s Strange Fire conference there has been a myriad of discussions, debates and social media conflagration that has erupted. I am honored to join friends Rob Wilkerson and Adrian Warnock to discuss elements of this conference and in specific the NT biblical gift of prophecy. I would relish your comments. SDG!