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The Israel of God (pt 12) “The Parable of the Olive Tree” (Romans 11:11-24)

The Israel of God (pt 12) “The Parable of the Olive Tree” (Romans 11:11-24)

July 13, 2014 Pastor Steve continues on the series, The Israel of God, teaching from Romans 11:11-24 on the theme: “The Parable of the Olive Tree.” This passage of Scripture further unlocks the identification and promise of who God’s Israel truly is. May you be encouraged in the Word today!

BAND OF BROTHERS – “Liberty In Christ” (1 Cor 10:23-33)

BAND OF BROTHERS – “Liberty In Christ” (1 Cor 10:23-33)

Band of Bros tomorrow morning 8am! Theme: “Liberty In Christ” 1 Cor 10:23-33. Brian Phoenix will be leading our time together! Looking forward to this. Hope to see you there!

Why Do People Go To Hell?

Why Do People Go To Hell?

Why do people go to hell? Unbelief, idolatry, immorality, trusting in good works, sin, rejection of Christ’s gospel? All good and true answers. But let us consider one other reason: The Doctrine of Reprobation. God’s eternal decree and sovereignty even over the destiny of all unbelievers. An important read!

The Israel of God (pt 11) “God Never Rejects Those He Foreknew” (Romans 11:1-10)

The Israel of God (pt 11) “God Never Rejects Those He Foreknew” (Romans 11:1-10)

July 6 – This week pastor Steve begins Romans 11:1-10 on the powerful truth, “God Never Rejects Those He Foreknew.” We hope your hearts are encouraged and strengthened in the full assurance of God’s sovereignty over His remnant people!

The Israel of God (pt 10) “Beautiful Feet – Proclaiming The Gospel of God” (Romans 10:11-21)

The Israel of God (pt 10) “Beautiful Feet – Proclaiming The Gospel of God” (Romans 10:11-21)

June 29, 2014 Pastor Steve finishes the epic chapter of Romans 10:11-21 under the title, “Beautiful Feet – Proclaiming the Gospel of God.” Do you know the secret to having power in evangelism? Listen this week to unlock its truth!

The Israel of God (pt 8) “The Gospel of God – Righteousness Based on Faith” (Romans 10:5-13)

The Israel of God (pt 8) “The Gospel of God – Righteousness Based on Faith” (Romans 10:5-13)

June 15th, 2014. Pastor Steve this week looks at Romans 10:5-13 (pt 1) on the theme of justification – “Righteousness Based on Faith.” Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to all who believe (Rom 10:4). He has fulfilled all righteousness by His sinless life, perfect obedience, propitiatory sacrifice and bodily resurrection from the grave! SDG

FROM THE PASTOR’S STUDY: What Happens to Babies When They Die? Do They All Go To Heaven?

FROM THE PASTOR’S STUDY: What Happens to Babies When They Die? Do They All Go To Heaven?

Is the salvation of babies determined by an age or condition of accountability or religious sacrament?