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Who Is Like The Lord Our God?

Who Is Like The Lord Our God?

The Lord Is to Be Praised through All the World. The theme of the whole psalm is set by the words that open and close the psalm, Praise the Lord! Though He Is on High, He Looks upon the Lowly. God’s majesty never implies his remoteness from those who look to him; it implies instead his exhaustive attention to detail, and his inexhaustible ability to care for his faithful. (ESVSB)

Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day

“Freedom is not the desire to do what you want, but the power to do what you ought.” SJ Camp (cp, Galatians 5:1 and Galatians 5:13)

Is There a Difference?

Checkbook of Faith – Charles Spurgeon

Could I Be Called A Christian

Could I Be Called A Christian

We all have PhD’s in rationalizing our behavior and justifying our sin. We have all graduated with high honors from the school of depravity. Most people are “good Christians” in their own judgment and by their own assessment. But we can never render the final verdict upon ourselves as judge and jury for our own conscience is defiled and our discernment skewed.

Justified By Faith

Justified By Faith

To be justified, is to be pardoned and accepted of God. Pardon and acceptance are only obtained by faith in Jesus Christ, as having atoned for sin by His precious blood.

Audio Update

Audio Update

Good news! audio is coming. We’ve been updating our website and with it comes an update to our audio page. In the future all of Pastor Steve’s sermons will be available through SoundCloud. We are very happy to share these changes with you. We ask that you be patient with us as we make this transition. Grace to you and peace!

How Can a Loving God Send Anyone To Hell?

How Can a Loving God Send Anyone To Hell?

…the sovereignty and justice of God in the condemnation of sinners

Dr. Al Mohler is a uniquely gifted man of our time. He is a scholar, a seminary President, a theologian, an apologist, political commentator and Christian worldview communicator. He is an under-shepherd of Christ at his home church; he is a preacher of the gospel; and a servant. I am proud to call him friend and am blessed that we live in this same hour to serve the Lord and impact others for the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.