Church Membership Statement
In the sincere desire to guard the trust of the gospel, the unity of the believers in Christ at TCC, and to honor the Lord Jesus with sound doctrine and life in daily worship to Him, we lovingly ask you to affirm the following:
I acknowledge that Christ has called me from eternal damnation by His effectual Grace, given me the faith to believe, and to walk worthy of the calling by which I was called, as evidenced by the fruits of the Spirit in my life. I have confessed Jesus Christ as Lord of my life, believing that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, on the Word alone, to the glory of God alone; and have been (or am willing to be) baptized as a true believer.
I further acknowledge that Jesus Christ has established and is building His church universal, and in particular, the local church. The Cross Church being one of those local church bodies, charged with the many benefits and responsibilities Christian believers need to grow and be protected by. Some of these benefits and responsibilities are: teachings, exhortation, encouragement, church restoration, discipleship, service in ministry and financial support.
Therefore, as a follower of Jesus Christ, it is my sincere desire to be united with this church in membership, joyfully and thoughtfully entering into a bond of mutual edification, fellowship, and accountability with the other members of this body.
I affirm:
a. I am actively seeking to become a member of this body of believers and followers of the Lord Jesus Christ known as The Cross Church and a member of the church universal.
b. I have read, understand and agree with The Cross Church document on Church Restoration. I will submit to the church’s restorative process to myself and lovingly assume my responsibility to participate in that restoration of other members, as taught in Scripture.
c. I understand that The Cross Church uses an adapted version of the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith for its primary statement of belief. I will work toward doctrinal unity with a humble and teachable spirit. For this reason, I am willing to be taught according to the Confession of Faith in which this church believes to be an accurate summary of biblical truth on the essentials of the faith. Where there is disagreement or a lack of understanding regarding doctrinal convictions, I assume the liberty to ask questions and engage in edifying discussion while agreeing to publicly do or say nothing (with regards to any points of disagreement) that would either promote disunity within the body or undermine the faith of another member or attendee. I will reject all heretical beliefs and practices, using Scripture as the final authority.
d. I realize that The Cross Church is governed by a plurality of Elders with Deacons serving under them, in keeping with the Biblical New Testament example and teachings.
e. I will faithfully participate with this church in worship, prayer, study, fellowship, and the ordinances of baptism and communion, and will use my spiritual gifts for the common good. Through my involvement, and even sacrifice, I will seek to illustrate to my family and a watching world the immense significance of life in the body of Christ.
f. In addition to attending the regular meetings of the church in the spirit of a true disciple of Christ, I will diligently train myself and my family in the discipline and instruction of the Lord, seeking to develop Christian character, knowledge, and skills.
g. I acknowledge that sin leaves me with weaknesses and failures, but I will not use them to excuse bad behavior, but instead will strive to live a godly life; pursuing holiness and seeking genuine repentance and forgiveness when necessary. I will not abuse or treat as cheap the grace of God by which we are all saved.
h. I will accept and fellowship with all members, regardless of ethnicity, gender, background, social status, level of education, etc. since all are of equal value in Christ.
i. I will pursue peace with all people, especially with other believers, always being slow to take offense and eager to reconcile. I will shun gossip and divisive words, knowing that they are destructive to Christian fellowship.
j. I will seek to live a life that is above reproach. I will be just and honest in my dealings and faithful in my responsibilities and commitments. I will abide by the standards of sexual purity and ethical integrity as taught in the Bible.
k. I will watch over the other members in love as they watch over me. I will remember them in prayer, help them in sickness and distress, promote their spiritual growth, and stir them up to love and good deeds.
l. I will seek to maintain a healthy marriage and godly relationship with my children (if applicable) as I know this honors God and is designed to picture the relationship between Christ and the Church. If I am single, I will seek to maintain healthy relationships with others, especially the household of faith.
m. I will contribute cheerfully, voluntarily, and regularly to this church for its general ministry and expenses, the relief of the poor, the cause of reformation and revival, and the spread of the Gospel throughout the world. I will dedicate myself, my money, and my possessions to the cause of Christ as a faithful steward, and by God’s grace avoiding all forms of greed.
n. I will pray for, seek, and actively proclaim the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ for the salvation of my family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, acquaintances, and people of all nations.
o. I promise to remain faithful to this church in membership. I will consult with the Elders in advance if I sense that God is directing me elsewhere. If I must leave, I will leave with charity, peace, and grace, uniting with another true church.
p. In summary, I will endeavor to honor the Commandment to Love the Lord my God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength and to love my neighbor as myself.