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DAILY WALK: Resting Upon Christ

DAILY WALK: Resting Upon Christ

Are you resting upon Christ’s sacrifice, and can you compass the altar of God with humble hope? Shall one dear to Christ perish? Impossible! Hell cannot hold thee! Heaven claims thee! Trust in thy Surety and fear not!

The Bible Will Keep You From Sin or Sin Will Keep You From Your Bible

The Bible Will Keep You From Sin or Sin Will Keep You From Your Bible

A church which does not honor the Bible is as useless as a body without life, or a steam engine without fire. A minister who does not honor the Bible is as useless as a soldier without arms, a builder without tools, a pilot without compass, or a messenger without tidings. (cp, Psalm 19:7-11)

Why Do People Go To Hell?

Why Do People Go To Hell?

Why do people go to hell? Unbelief, idolatry, immorality, trusting in good works, sin, rejection of Christ’s gospel? All good and true answers. But let us consider one other reason: The Doctrine of Reprobation. God’s eternal decree and sovereignty even over the destiny of all unbelievers. An important read!

FROM THE PASTOR’S STUDY: What Happens to Babies When They Die? Do They All Go To Heaven?

FROM THE PASTOR’S STUDY: What Happens to Babies When They Die? Do They All Go To Heaven?

Is the salvation of babies determined by an age or condition of accountability or religious sacrament?



“If we win souls, it shall be by other arts than Jesuits and shavelings can teach us. Trust not in any man who pretends to priesthood. Priests are liars by trade, and deceivers by profession. We cannot save souls in their theatrical way, and do not want to do so…” -CHS (cp, 2 Cor 4:2)

DON’T PAMPER SINNERS by Charles Spurgeon

DON’T PAMPER SINNERS by Charles Spurgeon

A soft gospel hardens hearts; but a hard gospel softens hearts. (Matthew 16:24-26; John 6:52-69; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4)

The Faithfulness of God by A.W. Pink

The Faithfulness of God by A.W. Pink

He who has cared for His child through all the years, will not forsake him in old age. He who has heard your prayers in the past, will not refuse to supply your need in the present emergency. (cp, Lam 3:22-27)