
From The Pastor Study: “The Importance of Daily Reading God’s Word!

From The Pastor Study: “The Importance of Daily Reading God’s Word!

The importance of reading and studying God’s Word everyday can never be taken lightly. It is the life breath of any true believer in Jesus Christ! The leadership at The Cross are reading through the Bible this year. Join us in today’s reading: Genesis 43, Mark 13, Job 9, Romans 13.

The Gospel According to Jesus (what it is and what it’s not)

The Gospel According to Jesus (what it is and what it’s not)

The great divines of the 17th century stated what they were for and to clarify what they denied on certain theological issues. This is the spirit of this post for our church. Nothing more important than the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ! It was THE test for orthodoxy in Paul’s day and it is in ours as well! (Galatians 1:6-9) May this portion of a statement of faith encourage you in the truth and life-changing hope of the gospel of Jesus!

The New Heaven and New Earth (Revelation 21:1-8)

The New Heaven and New Earth (Revelation 21:1-8)

We will be continue our study in the book of Revelation (Revelation 21:1-8) this week on the theme, “The New Heavens and New Earth.” This is one of the most encouraging texts in all the Bible about the glorified future for all believers in the Lord Jesus Christ!

Start this Lord’s Day with Adult Sunday School Fellowship at 9am!

Start this Lord’s Day with Adult Sunday School Fellowship at 9am!

A wonderful time in God‘s Word with two great Bible teachers in our church. Come at 9AM and begin the Lord’s Day studyng His Word!

The New Jerusalem – the City of God (Revelation 21:9-22:5)

The New Jerusalem – the City of God (Revelation 21:9-22:5)

This week Pastor Steve unfolds one of the largest sections of Scripture on the promise of the The City of God Revelation 21:9-22:5. He will be answering questions such: as what is this new Jerusalem? Who occupies this City of God? What are its components, is it an actual city or is there a greater spiritual reality that the Apostle John reveals to us? This is a must listen to message!

The Church That Glorifies God (Pastor Steve Camp)

The Church That Glorifies God (Pastor Steve Camp)

The ebb and flow of American Christianity seeks it almost seems daily to reinvent what the church should be and look like. The following seeks to divine that role biblically – not culturally or pragmatically. Question: Which one are our churches known for in today?

Divorce and Remarriage – A Biblical Explanation (pt 2) (Selected Scriptures)

Divorce and Remarriage – A Biblical Explanation (pt 2) (Selected Scriptures)

This week Pastor Steve is preaching part two on the controversial yet necessary theme of divorce and remarriage – a biblical explanation. We hope this message will bring clarity and hope in whatever family situation you may find yourselves in your daly living. Grace and peace..