“If you do not denounce this Jesus, you will die on the cross,” Governor Aegaeas fumed. This Christian had caused him personal embarrassment in the eyes of Rome by spreading Christianity throughout the governor’s Greek province and even to his own wife.
“Had I feared the death of the cross, I should not have preached the majesty and glory of the Cross of Christ,” Andrew replied.
“Then you shall have it! Crucify him!”
As Andrew approached the X-shaped cross, he joyfully proclaimed, “O beloved cross! I rejoice to see you erected here. I come to you with a peaceful conscience and with cheerfulness, desiring that I, who am a disciple of him who hung on the cross, may be crucified. The nearer I come to the cross, the nearer I come to God.”
Andrew hung, bound to the cross for three days, preaching and exhorting the people before him, “Remain steadfast in the Word and doctrine which you have received, instructing one another, that you may dwell with God in eternity, and receive the fruit of his promises.”
Andrew declared, “O Lord Jesus Christ! Don’t let your servant who hangs here on a tree for your name’s sake be released to live among men again; receive me into your kingdom.” Then, having finished his plea, he gave up his spirit to God.