
A Before the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper

By William Burkitt (1650–1703)

Let The Redeemed “Say So”

Let The Redeemed “Say So”

by Pastor SJ Camp

The One Anothers – True Fellowship in Christ

The One Anothers – True Fellowship in Christ

by Pastor SJ Camp

The Cross: the scream of the damned?

The Cross: the scream of the damned?

by Pastor SJ Camp

DON’T BURY THE GOSPEL IN YOUR DAILY LIFE, YOUR WORK, YOUR SCHOOL, OR YOUR CHURCH…the importance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ the Lord

DON’T BURY THE GOSPEL IN YOUR DAILY LIFE, YOUR WORK, YOUR SCHOOL, OR YOUR CHURCH…the importance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ the Lord

Pastor SJ Camp

Prayer: The Most Neglected Treasure

God in the Hands of Complacent Sinners

God in the Hands of Complacent Sinners

the dire need to recover a reverence for God in ministry