“Thy statutes are my songs in the house of my pilgrimage.”
Psalm 119:54
Though we are strangers, aliens, foreigners to this world by virtue of being born again through the agency of the Holy Spirit, we are not left here as orphans without hope. We have a heavenly song to sing on our way to a better City – the City of God.
This world offers many tunes to hum throughout our day. But no worldly song can lift the spirit and satisfy the soul like the song of Zion. “Thy statutes are my songs…” Here we have the source of the Hymnbook of Heaven: His Word our music; His theology our doxology; His lawbook our songbook; His statutes our songs. As the Psalmist says, “Let my tongue sing of Thy Word…” (Psalm 119:172). As His Word dwells in our hearts, we are to speak to one another in psalm and hymns and spiritual songs making melody for the very ears of God (cp Col. 3:16; Eph. 5:18-19).
“In the house of my pilgrimage.” But look at the place where these songs enjoy their full expression – as we are making our way through this earth. We are strangers in a strange land; sojourners; pilgrims. As the old gospel spiritual says, “this world is not my home, I’m just a passing through.” Heavenly songs in the hearts of God’s pilgrims comforting them, refreshing them, teaching them, counseling them, encouraging them, exhorting them, correcting them, and sanctifying them along life’s journey.
Fellow pilgrim… can you say today that the Word of God is your eternal song? If you are downtrodden, in despair, going through trials this very day – find your tune in the Scriptures; sing to the Lord a new song – a song of the Redeemed people of God. Life your hearts in praise to the One who will never leave you or forsake you. Keep your hope fixed upon Christ and His Word as you are making your way through the wilderness of this world headed toward the promised land, the City of God.