God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.
This is what you are to say to the Israelites:
I AM has sent me to you.”
Exodus 3:14
The Bible and Christian theology teach that God is an indivisible unity, being what He is in undivided oneness, from Whom nothing can be taken and to Whom nothing can be added.
Mercy, for instance, immutability, eternity, these are but names that we have given to something that God has declared to be true of Himself. All the “of God” expressions in the Bible must be understood to mean not what God has but what God is in His undivided and indivisible unity.
Even the word “nature” when applied to God should be understood as an accommodation to our human way of looking at things and not as an accurate description of anything true of the mysterious Godhead. God has said, “I am that I am,” and we can only repeat in reverence, “O God, Thou art.”
All the “of God” expressions in the Bible must be understood to mean not what God has but what God is in His undivided and indivisible Unity.
Help us, as Moses did, to recognize You, Lord God, as who You are.